Let’s Get This Hemp Party Started!

How Backbone Hemp LLC came to be. Like most endeavors, it was a culmination of events, people, and forces seen and unseen that pulled Backbone Hemp LLC into creation. First and foremost, credit must be given to the cannabis sativa plant herself, for creating such mystique and possessing so many intriguing traits. Perhaps that fact that she was a forbidden fruit for so long played a small part. Every small farm today surely has a spot for hemp, as they did in the times of our foremothers and fathers. And just because my spellcheck doesn’t recognize the word foremother, does not mean that women did not have a relationship with hemp cannabis. They most certainly did (and do today) know the plant, and her offerings. Women is Cannabis can be the topic for another day- I’ll try to stick to this story. As small farmers interested in sustainability, and humans … Continue reading Let’s Get This Hemp Party Started!